By Amber Ellis Johnson
In the coming year, where will you put your limited time and energy?
I choose to invest not only in my physical body, first and foremost, but also in my mind and my heart.
-My priorities are physical needs first, then mind/ spirit. I make sure to fit in time to read and reflect, to enrich my thinking and feeling self.
I choose to invest in being of service to those who are seekers, the ones striving to save themselves, the ones who are chasing a better life.
-The second part of taking care of my spirit is to live and work in service of others. This adds value and meaning to my life, and is worth my time investment. It is about energy abundance and reciprocity, like Kimmerer writes in her newest book, Serviceberry.
It is a gift to share myself with others, my expertise, my experience, my love ❤️ and it's a role I embrace as a coach, trainer, and teacher.
What else do you have to offer that doesn't drain you but instead fills you up? Seek to find that natural balance of giving to yourself/ giving to others.
So, move, eat, read, reflect, and be intentional about what serves you best in 2025.
Your body will thank you.
Love, Amber