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In Their own words

"You are an inspiration to me and so many others.

I am thrilled to be so active and working my body more than at any other period in my life, I met you later, but I'm living my best life right now!" - Client Amy, age 64, post-menopausal


mind and body
-By Rea

I have been working with Amber since May 2023, when she launched Hardcore Health, and I can confidently say the person I was back then and how I related to food and my body, is not who I am now.
I’m a mom of 3 kids, and was about 2 years postpartum when I first reached out. Stuck at a weight I never had been at before, no “diets” were working. The weight clung to me no matter what I did, and I was beginning to think this was it, the new normal…a mom of 3 and not getting any younger with a sad body to match. It was an awful, depressing feeling.
Enter Amber! When we started, she explained her story to me, where she was and how much weight she had lost since eating this way and I was totally onboard and ready to dive in! However, those first 8ish weeks were soooo hard. Not because of cutting back on food though, the opposite! We didn’t dive right into a diet, a low-calorie plan as I expected. Instead, we dove into fixing my stagnant metabolism, the reason I was not dropping the extra lbs.
Through those first 8 weeks of building up - eating more food than I have in my life and subsequently feeling like a sparkly human again - I let go of so much more than weight.
Amber’s constant gentle, kind, and caring support over those weeks helped me transform my relationship to food, my body, and the scale. She guided me to an understanding that food is fuel not the enemy, and I had been under eating for basically my entire adult life, sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. She helped me trust that I would NOT blow up like a balloon by eating carbohydrates, that I in fact needed these carbs and proteins and fats to work out effectively, build muscle, and just feel more vibrant and alive.
During that build up phase, not only did my weight not fluctuate more than a couple pounds, but I lifted heavier than I ever have, I worked up to running father than I had in years, and from her recommendation to take before and after pictures (take them!), saw my body transforming before my eyes, even though the scale didn’t show it. I was floored, shocked, surprised, and of course, so very grateful to her.
Next came the cut, the phase I just finished now, what I was waiting for. Over the 5ish weeks where we gradually cut back on overall food intake, I dropped about 9ish pounds. 9! I hadn’t been able to do that in two years, and with her help I did it in 5 weeks.
I absolutely could not have done this on my own. Without Amber’s amazing knowledge about how the metabolism works, her weekly words of encouragement when I was down, and celebrating the wins with me too, I will be forever grateful to her, more than she knows! Anyone that is stuck in their weight loss journey needs to work with her and experience these amazing changes for themselves. It’s not a diet, it’s not quick, but it works and most importantly - it’s sustainable. Perseverance and grit are all required, but Amber will help you with the rest, and even those too, because she’s awesome :) -Client and Coach in Training, Rea

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“There’s so much unraveling and reweaving of my own truths around food that is coming up each week, and I feel like this week is an important one…

Thanks for being here with me, as this calm, solid, and positive foundation for me to lean on and work through alllll the things with. Even though I haven’t officially lost a pound yet, what I have lost is my old paradigm around food and eating and weight. And Amber, that is WILD. That is HUGE. If we stop here and I just eat like this forever and stay my current weight, I still am in suchhhh a better place with food, eating, my body image, my mental clarity, my strength and endurance, than I was when we started. We are undoing years and years of conditioning in mere WEEKS and it’s working and it’s sticking. It’s just incredible. I never liked how I thought about food or my body or any of it, but didn’t know how to change it… and here we are!! “  - Long-time Client, at the beginning of working the program, transforming 


"Thank you so much for your kind words last week! I have found you amazing since the start of working together. Your simple and practical approach in an area we all have a tendency to over-complicate or think of as all or nothing has had profound impacts not just on my health, but in other areas of my life too! So many transferable skills in what we are working on together. It meant so much to me to have your feedback. Thank you for the knowledge sharing. Knowing why and what benefit/cost hitting or missing my baseline health markers is supporting my self-discipline!"


-Client, Maxine P

It's never too late
- Amy, age 64


I had tried all kinds of diets and gimmicks to lose weight:

Weight Watchers (more times than I could remember)
Jenny Craig
Intermittent fasting
Stillman’s (remember that one?!)
Breath analysis to determine appropriate calorie consumption for weight loss…

And yet here I was, at 63 years old, uncomfortable with the excess weight on my body.
During a life-changing conversation with my daughter, she very fortunately told me about Coach Amber and briefly described Amber’s approach to weight loss- eating to feed and increase body’s metabolism,
explaining when our body works better, we can work harder, and weight loss follows.

I decided to give Hard Core Health a try and reached out to Amber. I intuitively knew my body wasn’t functioning as it could be, I knew I had mistreated it for YEARS.
When Amber explained I would be:
Weighing myself daily?
Eating more food?
Are you kidding me? I’m trying to lose weight not gain more! This approach contradicted the over-half-a
-century of coded conditioning in my body’s every fiber! And weighing myself daily??? Facing daily the
“almighty” square box’s displayed number that was hard-wired to my self-worth and frequent self-

A year later
I have lost 20 pounds!
But more importantly I am stronger than I have been in years, both physically and emotionally. Learning to trust my body to work when properly fueled, learning that my self-worth isn’t determined by a
displayed number, learning that weight isn’t a constant but peaks and falls and above all learning to peel off the layers of ingrained negative self-aversion and learning to trust and manifest who I am at my
core– this is more than a weight loss journey, it’s a confrontation of fears and a brave journey to self-acceptance while also believing in and trusting yourself enough to improve.


While on the journey, I’ve discovered exercise passions unknown to me until now- Boxing(!), Core
Training, Body Pump, and Spin, an old favorite. Using the once dreaded weed-wacker and lawn mower-
because I didn’t have the strength to handle them- have now become some of my favorite outside
I am blessed to have connected with Amber, through my amazing daughter, and blessed to be part of Hard Core Health. I am morphing into a Bad Ass Yiayia (Greek for Grandmother).
It’s never too late to become Bad Ass!

--Emorfia Amy Valkanos

Robert Rose, Product Designer


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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Based out of Eliot, ME 


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Meal PlanningQuestionaire

I am willing to try new foods or meals or spices or cooking methods at least once.
My diet is
Vegetarian with exceptions
Omnivore (plant and animal)
Paleo (strict)
The additional fat sources I can and will eat:
All the Fruit/sugar carbohydrates I can and will eat:
All the types of protein I will eat are
All the starchy carbohydrates I will eat are:
All the vegetables I will eat are:

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